May 14, 2011


Heyhey :)! Today is a nice day so far! Have a day off school, and outside it's so warm..So now, I just got back from I-city now with my sis, bro-in-law, his sister and his bro's family or easy to say, my 9 relatives including me went to i-city..Know what? i-City is not pretty as before..So boring..I just walking around with my bored-face jer larh..HAHA..The first time I went to i-city it was very pretty..Was so fun that I can enjoy it very much..Okay then, end of that topic.At least I enjoy my time with them, right?.So I distracted myself by reading a book that I need to read for school since exam is coming and doing some SEJARAH. You know what they say - time goes fast when you're having fun ;-). Ha.
Exam?! Really?

Next Wednesday..OMG!!