I can dream, aite?
Assalamualaikum and HeyHey! :-) Today classes were superb! For the first time I'd really enjoying belajar Geografi and Sejarah.. Where? Math Clinic of course! The tutor is Sir Shahiran for both subject which reminds me of Cikgu Azdi at my maktab.. HikHok.. Sumpah suka cara dia mengajar.. More than 100% faham.. :-) After habis class perkenakan myself chocolate waffle and Cruchie :D
And and, I went to rumah Uncle Razali for Science class.. Datang datang je anak die tengah basuh kolam turtle depan rumah.. Awkward jugak dengan anak die.. Terus masuk rumah then Uncle kata nak ajar Reproduction.. I repeat REPRODUCTION ! I was just like oh Damn! tajuk form 3.. And, tau tau sendirilah kan tajuk tu pasal ape? But Uncle tu ajar sumpah SUPER AWESOME !.. Rasa macam dah ready nk naik Form 3.. HikHok.. And next week Uncle Razali promise nak masuk tajuk Growth.. He gave me the hand-out and nampak macam complicated je tajuk tu.. Ngak apa dong, belom coba, belom kita tahu kan? cehh! speakin indon pulakk!
My friend gave me an english novel for my birthday.. :D SECOND HAND HEART ! :-) The novel is SUPER BIZARRE ! Try read it people ! You gonna love it! Okayh! Dah penat merepek so aden nak continue read that novel.. HAha :D
ByeBye :)